CDE Lightband - Clarksville Department of Electricity – Clarksville, TN

L-R: Bradley Taylor, Brian’s son; Oliver Taylor, Brian’s grandson; Brian Taylor, General Manager of CDE Lightband; Kyle Taylor, Brian’s son; Kim Taylor, Brian’s wife.

Brian Taylor, the General Manager of CDE Lightband, has been awarded the TMEPA Outstanding Service Award. The accolade was presented during the President’s Lunch at the Tennessee Municipal Electric Power Association (TMEPA) Annual Membership Meeting, recognizing Taylor for his leadership and unwavering dedication to the Tennessee public power model.

The TMEPA Outstanding Service Award honors a single individual who exemplifies the principles of a public power manager within the state. This is the highest honor awarded by the statewide association.  Recipients of this award are recognized for their significant contributions to public power programs at both local and statewide levels; demonstrate exceptional leadership; and commended for their active community involvement.

Brian Solsbee, Executive Director of TMEPA, praised Taylor’s leadership and contributions, stating, “Brian is a great leader among his peers in the utility industry. He consistently provides valuable feedback during legislative sessions and has been instrumental in fostering growth and progress. His service on our Board of Directors has been particularly impactful.”

Taylor’s dedication to public power, for the past 42 years, and influential leadership in the utility industry have earned him this prestigious recognition. Receiving the TMEPA Outstanding Service Award further underscores his commitment to advancing public power and serving his community, highlighting the substantial impact and initiatives he has made in the field and celebrating his ongoing contributions to enhancing public power in Tennessee.