CDE Lightband - Clarksville Department of Electricity – Clarksville, TN

Initial Set or Relocation (w/o Service Crew)$45
(Additional meters set at same bldg., name, time)$15 / each
(Read In and Out)$30¹
Initial Set or Relocation (w/Service Crew)$100
Auto Temp Program, requested disconnect$30
Connection of Construction Temporary$150
Returned Check/Prepaid Check$29/$15
Termination List Service Fee$30²
Service Call$60³
Read Meter at Customer’s Request$25
Return to Read Meter, Inaccessible to Meter Reader$25
Test Meter at Customer’s Request$60
Set Service Pole for Customer’s Purpose$4504
Set Pole and Security Light (Poles set inaccessible by truck–actual costs plus applicable overhead will be charged.)$4754
Connection of Security Light$754
Reconnect Existing Security Light$40
Broken Meter Seal$25
Theft of Service – Actual Costs Incurred$225 min.
Underground Security Light Service (wiring only)$1004
Application for Interconnection of Distributed Generation Fee
Systems Lesser than 50kW DC$250
Systems Greater than 50kW DC$500
Monthly Generation Metering and TVA Reporting Fee (Only applicable if interval data reporting is required by TVA.)$50

The following is a list of charges that will be incurred as a customer of CDE Lightband. A customer will be charged with the actual costs for any deliberate destruction to CDE Lightband’s property located on the customer’s premises.


¹ This charge is for general sets. Property owners renting and having a volume of meter sets will be covered by CDE Lightband Operating Policy No. 2-15 if they so choose.
² Every trip, except for reconnection of service, will result in a service fee.
³ These are minimum charges that are open to adjustment if not enough to cover actual costs incurred.
4 These materials shall remain the property of CDE Lightband.

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