CLARKSVILLE, TN – June 25, 2020– Charles Dickens wrote, “It was the best of times…it was the age of wisdom…it was the epoch of belief…it was the season of Light…it was the spring of hope…” It is with great adoration and sadness, CDE Lightband said farewell to Chairman Wayne Wilkinson at the Power Board Meeting Tuesday, June 23, 2020. In honor of Wilkinson’s departure, CDE Lightband dedicated their boardroom for his fifteen years of outstanding leadership, community commitment and as a respected advocate for the company.
During his tenure, Wilkinson served as Power Board Chairman from 2008-2009 and 2011-2020. As a first-class leader, he was a visionary, never stopping in his endeavors to push CDE Lightband into the future. He constantly researched, gathering knowledge regarding current trends in the electric field. Wilkinson vested himself into the company and had a heart for its employees. He was a Public Power advocate, political voice and a leader in the community.
“Wayne has led the Power Board with integrity and has made a positive impact on CDE Lightband, our employees and our community,” said Brian Taylor, general manager of CDE Lightband. “We are a better company, and Clarksville has blossomed because of Wayne’s influence. His presence on the board will be missed.”
With his focus on system reliability, he oversaw the construction of three new substations and the rebuilding of three more. Wilkinson helped guide the evolution of the Broadband Division into one of the most successful municipal systems in the region. He saw the system garner nationwide recognition for service and helped to foster its growth by over 20,000 customers. He also saw its journey from an income deficit, to operating with positive cash flow to eliminating all loans.
Wilkinson has been a beacon and guiding light during his years at CDE Lightband. He will truly be missed.